Guest editor:
Affiliation: Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Co- Guest Editor:
Prof. Magali Cucchiarini
Affiliation: Saarland University Medical Center
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a leading cause of chronic pain and disability in older adults. It poses a huge challenge to healthcare system and cause a heavy socioeconomic burden. Unluckily, there is no cure for OA until now. Nowadays, OA is no longer considered as a simple wear-and-tear problem of articular cartilage. As a whole joint disease, the pathogenesis of OA involves a complex signaling interaction among multiple tissues and cells insides joint. In-depth understanding of signaling interaction in the context of OA development will lead a way towards the mechanism-based discovery of novel biomarkers and therapeutics for early detection and intervention of OA. In this special issue, we are inviting the submission of original and review articles including but not limited to basic and clinical original research on development and application of novel theranostic theories/tools for knee OA, concise or systematic review and etc..
Potential contributors:
Madry, H, Saarland University Medical Center
Berenbaum F, Sorbonne University
Ngee Han Lim/Tonia Vincent, The Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of Oxford
Simone Schuerle-Finke, ETH Zurich
Jim Collins, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Zhang, Y Shrike, Harvard Medical School, U.S.A.
Gao, Wei, Caltech, U.S.A.
Hou, HanWei, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Ouyang, HongWei, Zhejiang University
Yang, M, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Qin, L, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Manuscripts for the special issue can be submitted online at (mark "Osteoarthritis Theranostics Special Issue" in the "Suggested reviewers" field to identify the paper).
Detailed formatting instructions, in particular, the formatting of references, can be found in
All inquiries should be sent to the guest editor at the above email address.