2016; 6(13):2488-2524.
doi:10.7150/thno.16589 This issueCite
Chemically engineered persistent luminescence nanoprobes for bioimaging
Thomas Lécuyer1,2, Eliott Teston1,2, Gonzalo Ramirez-Garcia1,2, Thomas Maldiney1,2, Bruno Viana2,3, Johanne Seguin1,2, Nathalie Mignet1,2, Daniel Scherman1,2, Cyrille Richard1,2✉
1. Unité de Technologies Chimiques et Biologiques pour la Santé (UTCBS), UMR 8258 CNRS, U 1022 Inserm, Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Faculté des Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques, 75006 Paris, France. 2. Chimie-ParisTech, PSL, 75005 Paris, France. 3. Institut de Recherche de Chimie-Paris, CNRS UMR 8247, Chimie-ParisTech, 75005 Paris, France.
✉ Corresponding author: cyrille.richardfr.
Lécuyer T, Teston E, Ramirez-Garcia G, Maldiney T, Viana B, Seguin J, Mignet N, Scherman D, Richard C. Chemically engineered persistent luminescence nanoprobes for bioimaging. Theranostics 2016; 6(13):2488-2524. doi:10.7150/thno.16589.
Imaging nanoprobes are a group of nanosized agents developed for providing improved contrast for bioimaging. Among various imaging probes, optical sensors capable of following biological events or progresses at the cellular and molecular levels are actually actively developed for early detection, accurate diagnosis, and monitoring of the treatment of diseases. The optical activities of nanoprobes can be tuned on demand by chemists by engineering their composition, size and surface nature. This review will focus on researches devoted to the conception of nanoprobes with particular optical properties, called persistent luminescence, and their use as new powerful bioimaging agents in preclinical assays.
Keywords: Nanoparticles, chemistry, surface coating, persistent luminescence and in vivo imaging.
Citation styles
Lécuyer, T., Teston, E., Ramirez-Garcia, G., Maldiney, T., Viana, B., Seguin, J., Mignet, N., Scherman, D., Richard, C. (2016). Chemically engineered persistent luminescence nanoprobes for bioimaging. Theranostics, 6(13), 2488-2524.